The thought-provoking project "What It Means to Be American" describes itself as "a national, multiplatform, multimedia conversation ... bring[ing] together leading thinkers, public figures, and Americans from all walks of life to explore big, visceral questions about how our nation's past can help us understand its present and imagine its future." Launched in April 2014, this project is produced by Zocalo Public Square (featured in the Scout Report on 5-24-2013) and hosted by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History and Arizona State University. Through hundreds of engaging essays and interviews, as well as live public events, "What It Means to Be American" delves into its eponymous topic from a wide variety of angles. Examples include the story of how the now-iconic Grand Canyon became famous thanks to a daring expedition led by scientist and Civil War hero John Wesley Powell (published April 25, 2019) and an essay on the industrial designer Raymond Loewy, whose streamlined designs for companies such as Coca-Cola and Studebaker and talent for personal branding had enormous influence on the American marketplace (published May 22, 2019). With new content still being added, this project offers interested readers seemingly infinite ways to consider the meaning of being an American.