Readers interested in hearing diverse perspectives on technology in education (or those who enjoy thought-provoking storytelling in general) should give the Nevertheless podcast a listen. Produced by Pearson and Storythings, Nevertheless describes itself as "a podcast celebrating the women transforming teaching and learning through technology." Here, visitors will find engaging, relatable audio stories exploring such issues as the importance of STEM role models, "how gender and diversity shape the ethics of products," and the myriad ways that technology affects the lives and careers of young people today. As of this write-up, Nevertheless has completed two seasons, with five episodes in its pilot season and ten in its second season. To go along with its roughly 30-minute podcast episodes, Nevertheless has also shared a series of short videos featuring young women in STEM fields and discussions with women who work in educational technology, as well as bonus content such as downloadable posters of STEM role models, background reading lists, and written articles. Readers can stream episodes of Nevertheless and access its accompanying content on Medium, and listeners may also subscribe via other platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Stitcher.