From the University of Michigan's Museum of Anthropological Archeology and the Kelsey Museum of Archeology comes this online exhibit that "traces the growth of the two museums from their earliest collections to the present day and tells the continuing story of archaeology at the University of Michigan." This exhibit not only highlights some of the interesting objects that are held at the two museums but also offers insight into the history of anthropology and archeology as academic disciplines. Excavating Archeology consists of three sections. In Early Collections: 1850-1922, visitors can learn about Joseph Beal Steere, an ornithologist who brought "some 60,000 birds, mollusks, insects, fishes, and ferns" as well as over 800 culture objects, to the University of Michigan. Institutionalization of U-M Archeology in the 1920s allows visitors to learn about some of the museum's earliest collections, which includes a number of items collected by Carl E. Guthe in the Philippines. Finally, Archeology Expands: 1945-Present highlights some of the items that have been added to the museums' collections over the past 70 years.