Boise State University in Boise, Idaho makes faculty and student scholarship freely available to the general public via their ScholarWorks repository. ScholarWorks contains books, journal articles, data sets, conference presentations, student dissertations, and more. Visitors may browse this collection by performing a general keyword search on the homepage. A more in-depth search can be done by navigating to advanced search, where visitors may search by collection, discipline, or author facets, for example. One highlight of this rich collection is BOGA: the Basque Studies Consortium Journal: "a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access academic publication dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Basque culture." Another highlight is the "Interdisciplinary Explorations: the Idea of Nature" lecture series. Since 2011, this annual lecture series has invited scholars to discuss a variety of topics related to the intersections of nature and science, literature, art, and more. Interested visitors can stream video recordings of past lectures in the Interdisciplinary Explorations collection.