From the Oral History Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks comes Project Jukebox: a digital collection of interviews and photographs that document the history of the so-called "Last Frontier." Project Jukebox dates back to 1988, when the Oral History Program, with the support of Apple Computer's Apple Library of Tomorrow Program, began using Hypercard to preserve and share the state's history. Today, Project Jukebox contains hundreds of oral history interviews along with dozens of thematic slideshows that feature a number of interesting photographs and maps. This collection is perhaps best explored by navigating to All Projects, which features oral history interviews about topics including dog mushing, pioneer aviators, and the Exxon-Valdez oil spill. Other included projects collect stories from specific communities, including Juneau, Nome, and Unalaska. Alternatively, visitors may also explore this collection by navigating to All People, Interviews, or Slideshows.