From Simon (the popular electronic version of the game "Simon Says") to Tamagotchis, handheld gaming devices were ubiquitous during the late 1970s through the early 2000s. Thanks to the Internet Archive, folks nostalgic for these games (or interested in exploring them for the first time) can experience and play a number of games on their computer. The Handheld History collection features 74 handheld video games created between 1978 and 1999, including a 1979 Speak & Spell from Texas Instruments; a handheld Coleco Pacmac game from 1981; a 1988 Back to the Future - inspired game from Tiger Electronics, and much more. Each of these games has been adapted to allow users to play them with a computer keyboard, and those nostalgic for the original games will be happy to learn that all original arcade sound effects are included in these new versions. Each game is accompanied by full cataloging information. Visitors may browse this collection by date published, creator, or views. As of this write-up, the aforementioned Tamagotchi, the global fad of the late 1990s, has proven to be the most popular game in this collection.