Looking for a glossary of cigar terms, a Danish-Japanese dictionary, or a collection of Cree language lessons? xlation.com is the place to go. Hosting an impressive and actively maintained collection of tools for translation professionals, xlation.com is the work of Robert Altenburg and Dyran Maldonado. The site's features are too numerous to give an exhaustive list here. In the Dictionaries, Glossaries and Word Lists, and Grammar and Idioms sections, users will find links to a range of off-site reference materials. Currently, xlation.com features approximately 1,600 glossaries and more than 60 online grammars. Other sections of the site -- Jobs and Forums, Calendar of Events, and Essays -- focus on information about translation itself, professional opportunities, and related issues. xlation also links to resources on Computer Assisted and Machine Translation, Mailing Lists, and more. As an added bonus, the front page offers a quote, site, and piece of trivia for each day.