Data USA was launched in 2014 with the goal of providing visitors with helpful visualizations of data collected by governmental and non-profit institutions. The project is a partnership between the UK private company Deloitte, MIT Media Lab's Macro Connections group, and the web design/programming company Datawheel. Data USA is sleekly designed and easy to use: visitors can simply search for the name of a city, county, state, or occupation to learn more about the demographics of a particular community or predicted job growth (along with other information) about a particular profession. Information is presented in a number of visually striking graphs and maps that allow visitors to easily make comparisons and observe change over time. These visualizations may be especially helpful to policy makers and grant writers. In addition, readers may want to check out the Data USA: Stories section, which features visualizations of data related to a specific topic. Recent stories include an examination of the impact of opioid addiction in the United States and an investigation of the relationship between poverty and health.