Established in 1977 and housed at The Ohio State University, the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum "houses the world's largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials, and newspaper comic strip pages and clippings." The museum is named after Ohio cartoonist Billy Ireland and features a wide variety of comics published since 1700, from popular newspaper strips to underground publications. For readers who can't make the trek to Ohio, the museum offers a number of online resources. Visitors may want to start with the museum's extensive collection of online exhibits, available via the Resource tab. Many of these exhibits highlight the work of a single cartoonist or publication with accompanying essays. Meanwhile, the Collections tab features an Arts Image Database along with a Digital Collection, both of which can be searched by text. In addition, the Digital Collections can be browsed by categories such as time period, genre, subject, and creator.