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Serving millions of students, youcubed (last highlighted in the 07-14-2017 Scout Report) remains a magnificent mathematics resource for educators and caregivers. Plus, the site offers several creative resources to make math enjoyable and understandable for all students; check out the Maths and Art section under Tasks for one such example. From Stanford University's Graduate School of Education, youcubed is a center dedicated to providing research-based resources for teaching mathematics. On its website, mathematics instructors will find a number of resources that may be of interest, including lesson plans, teaching strategies, research papers, articles, podcasts, and other tools for success. Perhaps a good place to start is on the Ideas tab, where readers will find suggestions for incorporating visual learning in the math classroom, strategies for facilitating group work, and reflections about how to conduct assessments in the math classroom. For some hands-on learning ideas, check out the Tasks tab, which highlights recommended mathematics apps and games. Math teachers and math education researchers may be interested in the Evidence section, which provides research and impact papers. Many of these resources are authored by Jo Boaler, co-founder of youcubed and Professor of Education at Stanford.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
March 26th, 2021
Date Of Record Creation
July 10th, 2017 at 1:03pm
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