Established in 2012 Aeon is an online, non-profit magazine "committed to big ideas, serious enquiry and a humane worldview." Aeon publishes a variety of essays, authored by scholars and journalists with a wide variety of backgrounds. In addition, Aeon features an engaging Video section, which features a variety of videos on a number of subjects. Many of these videos are curated from other publications and media companies, and the collection includes short films from award winning documentarians and independent film companies. As a result, the Aeon video collection is remarkably diverse, featuring films on topics ranging from continental drift to the Coen brothers' movies to the impact of China's one child policy. Each film is accompanied by a short description and information about the filmmakers, including (if applicable) a link to the video's original place of publication. Films range in length from a few minutes to 40 minutes, and include pieces that have garnered nominations from the Academy Awards. These videos have a wide appeal, and many could also be useful resources for classrooms and informal education settings. (Instructors, youth workers, and parents should note that some videos in this collection contain mature content.)