The mission of the Humanity Development Library is to make practical information from many sources available at the lowest possible cost to the user. Originally created as a set of CD-ROMs and now on the Web, the library provides a gateway to the publications of a whole host of international human development and educational organizations, from the Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) to the World Bank. Greenstone software, developed for the New Zealand Digital Library, allows keyword searching across the 1,200+ texts in the library. Users can also browse by subject, title, or organization. The library, which is also available as part of the New Zealand Digital Library, includes full texts and cover art of publications such as CERES, a periodical from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and AIDS Prevention Through Health Promotion, a 1991 book from the World Health Organization. The "Detach" feature of the software allows users to read selected publications in a separate browser window.