The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is home to the Thomas Walther collection of photographs, a collection that dates from 1909 through 1949 and illustrates how the technology and aesthetics of photography evolved throughout the first half of the 20th century. This project, Object:Photo, introduces readers to the digitized Thomas Walther collection. MOMA has designed this website to facilitate the exploration of a variety of themes, including the development of photography as an artistic movement across space and time and the evolution of photographical technology and materials. Object:Photo may be explored in four different ways: by geography (through an interactive map and timeline); by the nature of the photographs (through a chart that highlights the emergence of themes, photographic techniques, and materials across a timeline); by artistic social networks (through an interactive graph that demonstrates artistic connections through cities, exhibits, schools, and publications); or by examining the geographic movement of individual artists throughout their lives (through an interactive map and timeline). All of these routes reveal the 341 photographs that make up the collection.