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Visualizing 19th-Century New York

Created by the Bard Graduate Center of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, Visualizing 19th-Century New York is an interactive website about the architecture and material culture of New York during the nineteenth century. At the center of this online exhibit is a map of Manhattan, created by Matthew Dripps in 1852 and annotated with a number of drop pins linking to related essays and exhibitions. These essays include an analysis of the changes in the culture of leisure throughout the nineteenth century; a consideration of how New York City was portrayed in guidebooks and magazine illustrations during this period; and an examination of P.T. Barnum's American Museum. Exhibitions include photographs, additional maps, and artistic depictions of the city. In addition, the website includes two other interactive exhibits: the Broadway and Ann exhibit demonstrates how this one street corner changed dramatically between 1830-1870, while Behind the Scenes exhibits nineteenth century artistic depictions of the processes that went into creating the visual culture of New York, including illustrations of a lithography workshop and a publishing factory.
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Date of Scout Publication
July 15th, 2016
Date Of Record Creation
July 13th, 2016 at 3:18pm
Date Of Record Release
July 14th, 2016 at 1:26pm
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