Nicholas Bauch's Enchanting the Desert is a fantastic example of how interactive monographs can enhance scholarship. We enthusiastically recommend this resource to anyone who loves the Grand Canyon.
Between 1899 and 1930, Henry G. Peabody took 43 photographs of the Grand Canyon and compiled his images into a lantern slideshow. This slideshow serves as the basis for geographer Nicholas Bauch's interactive monograph, Enchanting the Desert. With this born-digital project, Bauch maps out the location of each of Peabody's photographs in order to examine the history of human interaction with the Grand Canyon. More specifically, the project examines the ways that white explorers, cartographers, and photographers named, mapped, and created infrastructure in the Grand Canyon. From the homepage, users may select Enter to explore this unique space-based project. There are six chapters in all, which include Toponymy, Settlement, and the History of Tourism. Each chapter is then divided into sections, each of which is illustrated with one of Peabody's photographs and an accompanying map.