"This multimedia web site is part of an 18-month project to catalog, digitize, and preserve every item in Indiana University's
[IU] extensive collections pertaining to the life and career of master songwriter" -- and Bloomington native -- Hoagland "Hoagy" Carmichael (1899-1981) who composed, among other American pop standards, the classic "Stardust." The Collection contains sound recordings of Hoagy's music, letters, photographs of him and his family, print and handwritten musical compositions, drafts of lyrics, a brief biography, a virtual tour of the Hoagy Carmichael Room at the Archives of Traditional Music, links to additional primary materials at the Lily Library at IU, and more. The site can be searched or browsed. Constructed by IU librarians from the Digital Library Program and the Archives of Traditional Music, the site is a fine example of regional librarianship.