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Harvard University: Buddhism Through Its Scriptures

This self-paced online course from Harvard University begins on May 3, 2016 and covers the diverse range of beliefs and practices Buddhists have engaged with over time and across a multitude of geographies. Led by Yehan Numata Senior Lecturer in Buddhist Literatures, Charles Hallisey and doctoral student Alexis Bader, the course uses scriptural and informational readings to take readers into the complex matrix of art, devotional acts, and literary works that make up the ancient religion. No prior experience is required. To sign up, simply select Enroll Now and provide the required information (email, username, password, and a few other questions). From there, readers will begin receiving information as the course begins before proceeding at their own pace. There is option to either audit the course (free) or receive a verified Certificate of Achievement ($50).
Archived Scout Publication URL
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Date of Scout Publication
April 22nd, 2016
Date Of Record Creation
April 19th, 2016 at 12:31pm
Date Of Record Release
April 19th, 2016 at 1:51pm
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