The original series, "American Writers: A Journey Through History," aired on C-SPAN from March 2001 to July 2002 and explored the history of the United States through the lives and works of the writers who shaped the ideas and emotions of America's citizens. Episodes examined the writings of William Bradford, Abraham Lincoln, Lewis and Clark, Betty Frieden, James Baldwin, Jack Kerouac, Walter Lippmann, Ayn Rand, and many others. Spanning the time between the early 1600s and the late 20th century, and spaces from the Virginia colonies to the urban centers of industrialized West, these episodes use the thoughts, feelings, opinions, and passions of individual writers to explore the very nature of the the American psyche. Readers may view all videos from the series on this section of the C-SPAN website. With most episodes over two hours in length, the collection is sure to provide endless entertainment.