In the TV documentary series, Keeping Score, master conductor Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony delved into the lives and works of eight major composers. The effort has been preserved on the Keeping Score in the Classroom website, where educators will find much to appreciate in the Lesson Plan Library. Here readers can scout 171 distinct lesson plans, running the gamut from expositions of Beethoven's life story to a history lesson about Abraham Lincoln, as told from the perspective of Aaron Copland. Educators may like to filter the findings by Grade Level (PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12), Subject (English Language Learner, Foreign Language, Language Arts, Life Sciences, Math, Social Studies, and others), or by a selection of dozens of Tags, such as America, Animals, Dance, Song, and many others. Meanwhile, readers will also find a hearty selection of Lesson Ideas for Any Music within the Music and Your Curriculum section. Together, these excellent lesson plans can provide educators from a range of subjects with fresh and innovative ways to enliven their classrooms using the power of music.