Interested in what EPA employees have to say about the work they do, the environmental issues they care about, and the programs they support? This blog will not disappoint. Most posts feature a short article, as well as photographs, graphs, tables, or some other visual representation of a topic near and dear to the hearts of the U.S. EPA. Readers may search the site by Recent Posts, or scroll through the many categories. For instance, at the time of this writing, the blog had featured 437 articles about Air, 70 about Earth Day, 306 about Communities, and many others on a variety of topics. Via the blog's Archives, readers can also browse articles chronologically, going all the way back to 2008. One particularly interesting post, by a former ORISE Fellow in the EPA Climate Change Division, examines the peak bloom dates of cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C., and finds possible evidence for climate change.