The Wall Street Journal's Real Time Economics blog provides incisive, up-to-date information on national and global markets. The blog is updated multiple times a day as news breaks on dozens of fronts related to economics and related topics. One interesting way to follow the blog is to simply read the news feeds as they appear on the homepage. Readers may also like to scout the categories of Minimum Wage, Employment, Inflation, Fed, and Education, or use the powerful built in search engine to locate topics of their choice. One recent post, Inequality in America in 10 Charts, shouldn't be missed, as it explicates the intricacies of how wealth has distributed over the past 25 years. For instance, the top 10 percent of the income distribution has made unprecedented gains, while the bottom 60 percent has seen their net wealth stagnate or decline. The charts also outline how wealth breaks down by family, education, race, occupation, and other markers.