The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has created this handy start page to serve the needs of veterans, their families, and researchers who are looking for military records. Especially for vets, there's an information box with instructions on how to request military service records online, by mail, or by fax. For researchers, there's a page listing specific records that are available online, organized by wars and conflicts from the Revolutionary War Era through Vietnam. Rather than taking a searcher directly to content, clicking two of the World War I searches (The Operation of the So-Called "Lost Battalion," October 2 to 8, 1918; American Unofficial Collection of World War I Photographs, 1917 - 1918) will lead to the general search box for NARA Online Public Access, which is a bit daunting. In contrast, the photographs are presented for easy browsing, and there are a lot of them, including over 6,000 Matthew Brady Civil War photographs, a photographic sketchbook of the Civil War by Alexander Gardner, and a couple of World War II collections selected for the site, "African Americans During World War II" and "Pictures of World War II".