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LA Liber Amicorum

LA Liber Amicorum, alternately titled Los Angeles Liber Amicorum / Graffiti Black Book / Master Piece Book Project / Getty Black Book, is an experiment from the Getty Museum on presenting artists books, graffiti art, and street art, online in digital format. Overall, the experiment works. The Getty has collected 143 works by "leading Los Angeles graffiti and tattoo artists," bound them into a volume, and digitized the volume. On the wesbite, visitors can cruise through the 143 digital images from the book, including the back and front covers. Navigation is a little difficult, and somehow the presentation - images in alphabetical order - doesn't feel quite "bookish." For those who want to perceive the book as a whole, instead of as a collection of digital images, the Getty provides the bibliographic record, which includes an overall description of the physical book, and a full list of artists whose work appears inside.
Alternate Title
Los Angeles Liber Amicorum
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
GEM Subject
Date of Scout Publication
July 25th, 2014
Date Of Record Creation
July 24th, 2014 at 11:54am
Date Of Record Release
July 24th, 2014 at 2:19pm
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