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Profiles in Science: The William Osler Papers

The National Library of Medicine has worked tirelessly to bring new Profiles in Science to the curious public over the past decade. This particular collection casts its gaze on William Osler, the 19th century Canadian physician who is sometimes referred to as "the father of modern medicine" for his central role in revolutionizing medical education. Borrowing on materials from Johns Hopkins University and the Osler Library at McGill University, this clutch of materials includes photographs, personal and professional correspondence, case notes, and published articles. The items are divided into chronological sections that include "Osler, Medical History, and Medical Libraries" and "Sir William: Regius Professor at Oxford, 1905-1919." Additionally, visitors to the site can use the Search section to look for specific items of interest.
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Date of Scout Publication
January 31st, 2014
Date Of Record Creation
January 30th, 2014 at 12:19pm
Date Of Record Release
January 30th, 2014 at 1:28pm
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