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Botanical Accuracy

Would you care if someone called a cat a mouse in the description of a medieval painting? What if books on plants were illustrated with the wrong plants? Botanical errors can be just as egregious as those involving art history, foodstuffs and other products. This delightful website looks at botanical mistakes in commercial and public venues and offers up educational information and commentary on such problems. The site includes a brief description ("What is Botanical Accuracy?") of their activities and then a listing of recent controversies and the like that they have addressed. Some of these recent entries include "Reindeer moss is a lichen, not a moss" and "Greening Singapore with temperate weeds?" Visitors can search around the entries by keywords and social media tools allow the posts to be shared easily.
Archived Scout Publication URL
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Date of Scout Publication
November 27th, 2013
Date Of Record Creation
November 25th, 2013 at 10:51am
Date Of Record Release
November 26th, 2013 at 1:25pm
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