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R-ArcticNET: A Regional, Electronic, Hydrographic Data Network For the Arctic Region

Provided by the Global Hydrology Research Group at the University of New Hampshire, this impressive, electronic, regional hydrometeorological data bank is designed "to support pan-Arctic hydrological sciences and water resource assessment in the Arctic regions." To access the database, select a 15-degree block area (and then specific stations within each block) from a color map of the Arctic region. Site descriptor information and time series data (river discharge in m3/s) are then provided for each station within the Arctic region. Future sites are indicated on a separate map. Given the paucity of publicly available data for the Arctic region, this database will be especially welcomed by researchers.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Date of Scout Publication
September 1st, 1999
Date Of Record Creation
April 7th, 2003 at 11:32am
Date Of Record Release
April 7th, 2003 at 11:32am
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