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US Decennial Life Tables 1991-1989

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics has recently released this series of publications (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only) that provide death rates calculated using "data from the 1990 Census of Population and deaths occurring in the United States to residents of the United States during the 3-year period, 1989-91." At present, 46 volumes are available (the US, the District of Columbia, and 44 states). Data are broken out by age, sex, and race. For each age, the tables list the proportion dying, the number living and dying per 100,000, the stationary population, and the average remaining lifetime. Complete documentation is available. What makes these publications so fascinating is the granularity of age breakdown, basically a year-by-year breakdown from birth to age 110.
Alternate Title
United States Decennial Life Tables 1991-1989
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date Issued
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Date of Scout Publication
June 12th, 1998
Date Of Record Creation
April 3rd, 2003 at 5:17pm
Date Of Record Release
April 3rd, 2003 at 5:17pm
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