As the introduction to this exhibition from the Smithsonian's Sackler Museum points out, "Yoga is a global phenomenon practiced by millions of people seeking spiritual insight and better health. Few, however, are aware of yoga's dynamic history." Works from 25 museums and private collections located in the US, India, and throughout Europe have been borrowed in order to mount this show. On the website, view 15 selected images that document yoga's centuries-long history through a variety of formats such as manuscripts; video - some of the earliest yoga instruction on film; painting; sculpture; postcards and publications. For example, a Look Magazine cover from 1937 depicts Koringa, the mystery girl. Koringa was a magician and performer who adopted the characteristics of a yogini, a female practitioner of yoga. Koringa's image can be viewed in conjunction with an 11th century sandstone relief depicting an earlier Yogini as a powerful goddess. There is also a map that plots the original locations where exhibition items were created.