The Winterthur Museum in Wilmington, Delaware is one of the premier museums of American material culture, located in the childhood home of industrialist and collector Henry Francis du Pont (1880-1969). For those unable to visit in person, the Winterthur Digital Collection includes detailed records, many accompanied by images, for the majority of the approximately 90,000 collection objects - including ceramics, furniture, glass, prints, paintings, metalwork, and textiles, most dating from about 1600 to 1860. At the main page to the online collection, artifacts are organized into searchable categories, such as Ceramics, Glass, Furniture, or Textiles and Needlework. Searchers can click a check box to limit to only those items that have images, and there is also an advanced search function, handy for known item searching. Textiles and needlework is one of the largest collection areas at over 18,000 items; limiting to items with images only reduces the number to about 8,000.