Trains magazine is billed as "THE magazine of railroading," covering short line and Class I railroads, along with details on the business side of operations, and details on equipment, policy news, and information on tourist railroads. New users will note that some of the materials here are for subscribers only, but much of the site is available to the general public. The News Wire area is a great place to get caught up with regulatory changes, services modifications, and information about intergovernmental affairs affecting railroad operations. Moving along, the Railroad Reference area features great maps like "Top Intermodal Lines in North America, 2004" and "Norfolk Southern's Predecessors." The Interactive area contains interviews with railroad insiders, a 24-hour train webcam from Rochelle, Illinois, and web exclusives. The site is rounded out by the Tourist Train Guidebook area, which offers up-to-date information on the operations of tourist trains around the United States and Canada.