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NOVA Online: Health Science Classroom Activities

The NOVA Teachers site brings high-quality educational resources to teachers around the world. It's a great way for educators to find supplemental activities based on various NOVA programs. This section of the site focuses on activities related to the health sciences, which are divided into six areas, including Public Health and Disease. Each area contains six to 24 resources and a brief description of each resource. The Medicine area is a real gem, as it includes resources that deal with bioterrorism, cancer, personal DNA testing, and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria. Additionally, the Public Health area is quite good, comprising resources like "Life's Greatest Miracles," which deals with the effects of maternal consumption of alcohol at various stages of pregnancy.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
August 30th, 2013
Date Of Record Creation
August 28th, 2013 at 10:59am
Date Of Record Release
August 29th, 2013 at 1:57pm
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