The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has created a number of professional resources to educate persons young and old about geology and its many subfields. New users might do well to check out the Watt's Up? The Lowdown on Energy resource, designed to answer current questions such as how can we best locate and capture energy resources? Visitors can click on one of nine areas (including Geothermal and Nuclear) to learn how each of these energy resources is used around the world. Next up is the Big Ideas in Earth Sciences series on their YouTube channel. Each Big Idea segment features a five-minute video ranging from “Earth Scientists Study Our Planet" to "Humans Change Earth." These videos can be used in the classroom to get young people excited about geology and are quite compelling. Finally, the site also has a link to the NASA Triad teacher professional development guide, which can be used to conduct workshops for fellow educators on geoscience, technology and engineering content.