First published in the Scout Report on 06-07-2013, we feel this resource still provides an interesting glimpse into the past of the Emerald City.
If you enjoy the Pacific Northwest, you have probably encountered many tales of Seattle's storied past. It is, after all, known in some parts as the "Emerald City," and is full of tales of its rough-and-tumble Skid Row, pioneer settlers from Scandinavia, and a whole host of intriguing characters. This particular website from the Seattle Public Library offers a cornucopia of ephemera related to the city's history. As the site notes, "This collection presents some of Seattle's historical 'sawdust'--unique and interesting materials." Many of these documents have not been widely accessible for many years, a situation this archive remedies. There are 25 items here, including "A Survey of Comic Books in the State of Washington: A Report Made to the Washington State Council for Children and Youth" and a fascinating document on regrading projects in Seattle titled "How Seattle Changed Its Face." Visitors can search all of the texts and browse at their leisure; those interested in urban planning and the like will probably end up whiling away a few hours enjoying these unique items.