The University of Wisconsin has created a vast array of wonderful bibliographies related to women's studies, and this is one of the best. This particular bibliography is an expansion of one created in 1981 by Linda Parker, a women's studies librarian at the school. This iteration was updated and enhanced by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, and is divided into three sections: General Works, Works on Individual Women, and Archival Resources. In the General Works area, visitors can access the Women's History in Wisconsin web page from the Wisconsin Historical Society. Also, they can learn about the "Dictionary of Wisconsin History" which contains brief biographies of prominent Wisconsin women. Moving on, the Works on Individual Women area contains citations of works on women who spent a significant portion of their lives in Wisconsin, such as Golda Meir and Harriet Bell Merrill. Finally, Archival Resources contains links to online and offline resources such as the Wisconsin Women During World War II Oral History Project.