The Arizona State University Libraries have created a great number of digital collections that deal with their own institution's history, the state of Arizona, geology, and other topics. This particular collection brings together 36 brief interviews and news stories primarily related to the actions of the United States military in the Philippines during World War II. They are part of the Howard Pyle Collection, which houses items related to Pyle's life. Pyle, who was later the ninth governor of Arizona, was the program director of a radio station in Phoenix from 1930 to 1951. The interviewees here include General Douglas MacArthur, Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger and radio personalities such as Fred MacPherson, Frank McClall and Mucio Delgado. The topics covered here include Pyle's appearance at the Republication National Convention, along with coverage of the 1945 United Nations Conference in San Francisco.