The American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Massachusetts celebrated their bicentennial in 2012. They chose to celebrate with a variety of events, and one of their projects involved creating this website. Visitors to the site can make their way through a wide range of images and illustrations taken from the Society's printed bicentennial history volume, which was meticulously prepared by Philip F. Gura. On the homepage, users will find five thematic sections: The Society's Leaders, Antiquarian Hall, Collections, Access, and Program & Outreach. The Antiquarian Hall area offers a visually stimulating tour through the various homes of the Society from 1819 to the present. The section includes some wonderful plans of the structures, along with some detailed photographs that document how the exhibits looked at various moments in the 19th century. Further along, visitors can peruse the Timeline of AAS Events, which offers a panoramic view of the various moments that have defined the institution.