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The Middle East Water Collection

The subject of water is of increasing global importance, and access to water will continue to be a divisive issue in the coming years. This fascinating collection from the Oregon State University Libraries brings together approximately 9,000 items on political, socio-economic, demographic, and legal issues of water in the Middle East. The collection was started by Thomas Naff, professor emeritus of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. The primary goal of this online collection is "to gain a better perspective on how water issues thread through and across many disciplines of thought - irrespective of borders or boundaries, cultures or historical differences." On the site, visitors will find they can search the materials by region or country, basins, or a drop-down menu of subject headings, which include finance, industry, and hydrology. Interested parties who plan on returning to the site can create a collection of their favorite items, and they can also use the Help area to get assistance on using the collection.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
July 27th, 2012
Date Of Record Creation
July 27th, 2012 at 9:01am
Date Of Record Release
August 1st, 2012 at 11:08am
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