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UR Research at the University of Rochester

There's a wide range of research going on at the University of Rochester, and this specialized website brings together the work of the hundreds of students, professors, and others who work at this institution. Visitors can start by just typing words into the Browse/Search function on the homepage - they might do well to try broad ideas like biology, composition, or anthropology. Further along, users will note the presence of Institutional Collections, which bring together materials from formal academic departments and research units on campus. All told, the site has over 221,000 publications, 223 collections, and over 3,200 members contributing works. Some of the more curious and compelling highlights here include "turtlequill" which is the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry's Journal of the Literary Arts. Additionally, visitors shouldn't miss the Warner School of Education's collection, which includes papers and talks from faculty members.
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