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Living without Oil

The Open University is well-known for its decades-long commitment to distance learning, and is always adding new courses to its website. One of the recent additions is "Living without Oil." The course materials include a brief introduction, a statement of intended learning outcomes, summaries of each subtopic, quizzes, and an FAQ area. The materials here are divided into nine areas, including Oil as a source of modern materials, Future sources of oil, and Oil and anthropogenic global warming. Along the way, visitors will learn about possible energy sources that might complement the use of oil in the future, along with some of the basic scientific terminology associated with this field of scientific inquiry. Visitors may wish to create their own free Open University account to access additional materials and provide feedback.
Scout Publication
Date Issued
June 1st, 2012
Date of Scout Publication
June 1st, 2012
Date Of Record Creation
June 1st, 2012 at 7:59am
Date Of Record Release
June 1st, 2012 at 2:45pm
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