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Bates College Online Resources for Calculus and Linear Algebra

Bates College in Maine has worked diligently to bring together this set of mathematical resources to the public, and it's a nice find. The materials here are drawn from four courses at the school: Math 105, Math 106, Math 205, and Math 206. The first couple of resources in each section contain past quizzes and exams from each course, complete with information on each topic. Additionally, each area contains drill problems, tutorials, and a fun "Find the Error!" feature. The topics covered here include linear algebra, quadric surfaces, functions, and abstract vector spaces. Moving on, the site also includes links to external sites from Harvey Mudd College and the University of California-Davis that address advanced math topics. For those persons interested in learning more about the mathematics department at Bates College, there's a link to its official website at the bottom of the page.
Scout Publication
Date Issued
May 18th, 2012
Data Type
Date of Scout Publication
May 18th, 2012
Date Of Record Creation
May 18th, 2012 at 9:29am
Date Of Record Release
May 18th, 2012 at 12:11pm
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