Based at the Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC)is "a national leader in the research and development of innovative transportation policy." The VTC brings together a range of scholars from a number of academic disciplines, including the National Transit Institute, which was created by Congress in 1992 to design and deliver "training and education programs for the U.S. transit industry." First-time visitors to the site should click on the Transit Oriented Development link to view the VTC's Transit-Friendly Development newsletter, which is a nationally recognized publication on this planning topic. Moving on, the Reports area has key documents on transit planning, such as "Impact of Demographic Changes on Transit Patterns in New Jersey" and "An Assessment of 'Last Mile' Shuttles in New Jersey." Finally, the Current Projects area contains links to the VTC's ongoing research studies, organized into areas such as transportation equity and transportation security and evacuation.