Senator William Proxmire represented the state of Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate from 1957 to 1989. During his time in office, he championed human rights, consumer rights, and honest government while opposing federal waste and corruption. This collection from the Wisconsin Historical Society presents over 7,500 pages of manuscripts, press releases, newsletters, photographs, articles, interviews, and correspondence selected from his papers, which he donated in 1989. Users may wish to start by clicking on the Biography area to read a profile of Senator Proxmire. Moving along, the Interviews area features 40 interviews with the friends, family, colleagues, and former staff members that knew Proxmire. Visitors should then click Browse to look through the folders of the collection, which include biographical notes, jokes, images, and press releases. One place that should not be overlooked is the Golden Fleece Awards folder, which contains information about those agencies and areas of the federal government that "won" awards from Senator Proxmire for their misuse and waste of taxpayer dollars.