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Kentucky Critter Files

The University of Kentucky Entomology Department has created a website called Kentucky Critter Files, and it is both delightful and edifying. The website is meant purely for hobbyists, enthusiasts and students, and it should not be used as a scientific identification key. Visitors who love to collect and photograph these little animals are given tips on what Kentucky habitats to find them in, and how best to photograph them. For example a tip for re-creating the morning dew on spider webs, to make them show up well in photos, is to mist them with a spray bottle. In addition to "Collecting and Photography" tips, visitors might enjoy a section entitled "Myths - Legends - Folklore". The entry for millipedes states that despite their name, they really don't have 1000 legs, just a few hundred. Another myth is that if a millipede has time to count your teeth, you will die soon after. Most people probably don't smile when they see a millipede, so there are probably not too many lives at stake.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
October 14th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
October 14th, 2011 at 11:46am
Date Of Record Release
October 14th, 2011 at 1:10pm
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