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GeoHazards International

Created in 1991, GeoHazards International's (GHI) mission is to "reduce loss of life and suffering around the world in communities most vulnerable to geologic hazards." To attain this goal, GHI works "to create a world that devotes as many resources to preparing for and preventing the consequences of natural disasters as it devotes to responding to and recovering from them." A good place to start for visitors is the "Our Priorities" tab and the "Vulnerable Communities" link. Here they will find several graphs depicting the earthquake risk to people living in cities in developing countries. Although the earthquake risk for people in cities in industrialized nations has decreased due to better construction methods and emergency responsiveness, visitors will see by the graphs that the earthquake risk for developing countries has stayed the same. The "Our Projects" link, under the "Our Work" tab, shows visitors almost two dozen past and current projects that aim, or aimed, to increase community or country preparedness for earthquakes, seismic activity and tsunamis, in places such as Gujarat, rural Peru, Sumatra, and the Caucasus region. Under the "Resources" tab, visitors will find GHI's latest news, copies of their annual newsletter, as well as additional GHI publications and resources. For those visitors who wish to stay informed of GHI's activities, they can sign up for email updates under the "Get Involved" tab.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
August 12th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
August 12th, 2011 at 11:18am
Date Of Record Release
August 24th, 2011 at 8:18pm
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