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The Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

The Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSU AgCenter) is one of the eleven institutions within the Louisiana State University System. The stated mission of the LSU AgCenter is "to provide the people of Louisiana with research-based educational information that will improve their lives and economic well-being." The main headquarters are in Baton Rouge, and their work is also disseminated through this comprehensive website. As with many other state agricultural extension agencies, their website provides a "Topics" area, a news feed, and a set of feature articles written by staff members, including extension agents. The "Features" area is a good place to start, as it contains everything from information on flood maps to materials on bee removal. Further down on the homepage, visitors will find the "On Demand" multimedia area. Here they can view video clips on caterpillar infestations and radio spots on cotton crop planting and rice. The site is rounded out by the "Services" area, which includes social media links, an RSS feed, and materials on their facilities and laboratories.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
May 6th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
May 10th, 2011 at 6:30am
Date Of Record Release
May 11th, 2011 at 8:04pm
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