The Ryan White CARE Act provides funds for programs to "improve the quality of life of patients living with HIV/AIDS through the provision of high quality professional education and training." The AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) are part of such a program, and they "conduct targeted, multi-disciplinary education and training programs for healthcare providers treating persons with HIV/AIDS." Visitors interested in a thorough overview of this website can take the "Online Tour of the NRC", available on the homepage, on the right side menu. Both the "Clinician Resources" and "Trainer Resources" have "Featured Resources", such as a PDF of a short influenza management guide for HIV+ patients, a PowerPoint presentation on Diabetes Mellitus and HIV, a newsletter, the HIV Meds Quarterly, and a video, "HIV and the Older Adult". Visitors can also view materials on the website by topic, under the "Topics" tab. Topics include "Prevention", "Testing" and "Population/Settings".