American filmmaker Julien Bryan set out to chronicle life in Poland and Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His situation became quite precarious when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, but he remained in order to document the siege of Warsaw. This site was established by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in order to bring some of his images and films to the general public. All told, the collection includes 141 reels of motion picture film, 100 contact print booklets of black and white photographs, four boxes of personal papers, and over 150 hand-colored glass lantern slides. In the "Film Gallery" area, visitors can view twelve different short films that document life in the Jewish quarter in Krakow before World War II, along with clips from the 1937 Reich Party Day in Nuremberg, and the aftermath of the Siege of Warsaw in 1939. In the "Photo Gallery" area, visitors can view select images from the same time period, and the overall effect is quite arresting.