Created in 1948 as the Research and Development Corporation (RAND), this organization is financed by the U.S. government and a range of other private entities. Their work has included hundreds of research reports and briefs on health care policy, national security, technology, and civil and criminal justice. This interesting website provides access to "Sixty Ways RAND Has Made a Difference", which talks about sixty ways in which the organization has transformed different sectors of human life around the United States and the world. The sixty items are presented via a pop-up screen, and visitors can scroll through them at their leisure. Each item contains a brief description of the activity, along with links to select publications dealing with each item or research topic. These accomplishments include "Building the Analytical Foundation for the U.S. All-Volunteer Force" and "Inventing the Foundation of the Internet". It is an interesting retrospective of RAND and U.S. Policies.