Located along the North Platte River Valley in Nebraska, the Scotts Bluff region is rich in history. The area was traversed by settlers on their way West throughout the 19th century, and it is the subject of this Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary created by the National Park Service. This Itinerary was produced in cooperation with the city of Scottsbluff, the city of Gering, the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office, and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers. As with the other itineraries in the series, this one includes a "List of Sites" (complete with information about their significance), maps, and thematic essays like "Trappers, Traders, and Travelers" and "Cultivation, Irrigation, and Urbanization". There are many highlights here, but visitors shouldn't miss the sections on the Morrill County Courthouse or the Marquis Opera House in Scottsbluff.