Twenty-five years strong, and with an interest in lighthouses throughout the world, the United States Lighthouse Society (USLHS) has a website that informs the public about restoration projects, tours of lighthouses, and the complete subject index to the Society's magazine, the Keeper's Log. The USHLS is a "non-profit historical and educational organization incorporated to educate, inform, and entertain those who are interested in lighthouses, past and present." The "Projects" section of the website is a must-see for visitors, as it contains the history, old and new photos, and restorative needs of each lighthouse, or lightship, as the case may be. The project "LV605" is the restoration effort for one of the few remaining lightships, which were floating lighthouses in waters where a lighthouse was impractical, because of depth, cost, or currents. There are many pictures of these lightships, and a history of these unique vessels is also included.